Dino MARZORATI is a historic construction company with a special focus on the historical and architectural value of the projects it undertakes.

After more than 70 years of activity, the need arose to revise the visual identity with the aim of maintaining the historicity, identity and character of the brand, making it contemporary and laying down clear guidelines to allow its use and declination in various contexts.

The intervention concerned various communication elements of the company.

The restyling of the logotype, which incorporates the most representative graphic aspects of the versions that have succeeded one another over the years. 

The design of the coordinated design, which covered the paper and digital tools, the customisation of the offices, the worksite vehicles and the employees’ uniforms. 

The design of the photobook and the website, which introduce the company’s reality, but above all collect and highlight the projects realised as a statement of the company’s professionalism.




Building company




  • Visual and Graphic design
  • Brand Identity
  • Logo design


  • Brand Identity
  • Logo design
  • Building company